Kerry Voss Smith, Esquire
Attorney Kerry Voss Smith is the Director of the Pennsylvania Office for Dispute Resolution (ODR), which provides the resources for parents and educators to resolve special education disputes. Ms. Smith is a graduate of Penn State University (B.S. Special/Elementary Education); Antioch University Midwest (M.A. Conflict Analysis & Engagement); and Dickinson School of Law (J.D.). Her mediator training is from the Justice Center of Atlanta (2000). She is a member of the Advisory Board to the Center for Appropriate Dispute Resolution in Special Education (CADRE), the national technical assistance center funded by OSEP. Between college and law school, Ms. Smith assisted adult residents of the Pennhurst State School in transition to the community. She was in private practice for twelve years, most recently as a partner with Marshall, Smith & Haddick, a civil litigation defense firm. Prior to coming to ODR, she handled federal special education litigation at the Department of Education. In 2009, ODR was selected as one of four states with an exemplary special education dispute resolution system. In 2016, the Pennsylvania Council of Mediators awarded Ms. Smith Peacemaker of the Year for her work promoting special education mediation. Ms. Smith’s late brother lived successfully in the community with supports and services. Ms. Smith was recently invited to be a board member of Keystone Human Services, which provides supports and services to adults with disabilities living in the community.